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Appendix C - Asset Management

Asset Management Job Descriptions

Transit New Zealand

Network Operations Division—Asset Management Section
Asset Engineer—Maintenance (2) Job Description

Effective Date:

November 2004


Asset Engineer—Maintenance (2)


National Office, Wellington

Responsible to:

Asset Management—Team Leader

Responsible for:


Functional Relationships:

Regional Asset Staff
National Office Staff
Local Authorities
Network Consultants/Contractors
Industry Groups

Principal Objectives

To assist the Asset Management Team in managing the highway asset effectively and efficiently, including forward planning and investigation of new initiatives to meet the objectives of our stakeholders in accordance with Transit's policies and procedures.

Key Achievement Areas Performance Criteria

1. Coordinate and oversee priorities and programming of the various maintenance elements.

  • Optimization of expenditure in the maintenance program.
  • Arrange periodic reviews/audits/inspections (both technical and expenditure focused).

2. Coordinate and audit network Annual Plans to maintain integrity, consistency and facilitate the compilation of the annual State Highway Program (SHP).

  • Quality outcomes recommended for funding in the SHP.
  • National Ten-year program is prepared, reviewed, and realistic.

3. Review forecasts, budgets, cash flows, additional funding requests, monthly reviews, and reconciliation of maintenance activities in the current program.

  • Optimization of all maintenance and relevant capital expenditure within budget.

4. Assist with advice on the development and implementation of specifications and best practice guidelines.

  • Regular liaison with other groups within the division (e.g., Engineering Policy and Traffic & Safety).
  • Involvement in the development of implementation plans/workshops for adoption of new/revised specifications/guidelines.
  • Provide technical/operation advice on current maintenance best practice.

5. Manage specific asset management improvement initiatives from conception through to implementation (e.g., new condition measurement techniques, corridor asset condition reporting, development and implementation of new data management systems, national network risk assessment and coordination, etc.)

  • Identify improvement opportunities, particularly new innovative asset management initiatives.
  • Develop project plans to scope new initiatives.
  • Manage adopted improvement projects from inception trough trials to full implementation.

6. Promote and support the development of Transit asset management systems.

Develop procedures/best practice guidelines/manuals for asset management activities.

  • Understand dTIM's, RAMM and NOMAD, FWP, and other asset management systems.
  • Assist with the compilation of national data to improve the utilization in the decisionmaking process.
  • Evidence of systems being continuously being reviewed and improved, as appropriate.
  • Manage Transit's Preventive Maintenance program.

7. Manage the engagement of consultants for professional services contracts, invite proposals, and participate in the evaluation of submissions.

  • Quality documentation on time.
  • Evaluations that conform to CPP requirements.
  • Good leadership in tender evaluations for maintenance and network activities.
  • Input into project tender evaluations.

8. Review contract specifications and documentation for physical works contracts.

  • Consistent physical works documentation complying with Transit's standards. (SOMAC).
  • No justifiable complaints on contract documentation from industry.

9. Arrange audits/reviews of regions against national standards/achievements and consistency across regions.

  • Visit network areas on a regular basis to review management of the asset.
  • Operate relevant sections of Transit's internal audit system.
  • Transit and road users are getting value for money.
  • Transit's standards criteria and guidelines are met.

10. Attend liaison and industry meetings, and develop relationships and partnership building.

  • Transit is held in continuing high regard as a result of Asset Engineer's actions.

11. Facilitate the transfer of good ideas developed at a regional level across the organization.

  • Improvement initiatives are championed across the whole business.
  • Regional business practices are improved to reflect the revised methodology.

12. Assist the Asset Management Team Leader and Network Operations Manager with tasks.

  • Willing to take on tasks assigned.
  • Preparation of Business Plan activities and ensure they are scoped, project plans prepared through to a successful completion of the initiative.

Person Specification



Qualifications and Experience Required


Effective Date
July 2002

Regional Maintenance Engineer—Wellington

Wellington Regional Office

Responsible To
Regional Asset Manager

Responsible For
Graduate (to be appointed)
Budget: Approximately $6 million (as contained in the NRP)
Network: Approximately 393 kilometers

Functional Relationships
Transit Wellington Staff
Transit Staff Head Office and Regions
Consultancy Staff
Territorial Authorities

Principal Objectives

  1. Champion the use of leading-edge maintenance processes.
  2. The day-to-day management of the state highway network in the Nelson-Tasman area to achieve Transit New Zealand's objective for a safe and efficient highway operation.
  3. Assisting the Regional Asset Manager in other areas of network maintenance, policy, budget, and improvements to improve the regional management of the network.
Key Tasks Performance Criteria

Structural Bridge Maintenance

Manage the Structural Bridge Contracts in Nelson, Tasman, Marlborough, and Wellington areas (from May 2003).

The bridge assets are maintained in sound condition.

Inspections and asset maintenance programme are completed annually.

Appropriate preventive maintenance is completed.

Bridge asset management plan objectives are achieved.

Overweight Policy

Administration of Transit overweight policy.

No variations from policy.

Kept abreast of current issues.

Regional DTIMS Expert

To champion the implementation of DTIMS modelling as a pavement determination prediction tool.

Kept abreast of current issues.

Continuous improvement of local models.

Competitive Pricing/Procurement Initiatives

Local champion of CPP and participation on evaluation teams as required. Pursue trials as appropriate.

Procedures adhered to.

Unit standards acquired.

Prequalification trial implemented.

Full implementation of PACE.

Management and Leadership of Graduate

To plan, organise, lead, and control the work of staff employed in a manner which ensures the person feels valued and is motivated to contribute to the achievement of Transit's mission and goals in the region.

Staff performance evaluations completed as required.

Asset Team Coordination

Coordinate region 9 and 10 responses to Head Office to ensure they are consistent, to a high standard, and timely.

All deadlines are met.

Responses are consistent and to a high standard.

Strategy Studies

To assist the Regional Asset Manager in developing highway corridor strategy studies across the regional network.

Strategies are soundly based and reflect the National State Highway and Transit objectives.

Stakeholders are consulted and brought into the strategy where practical.

Asset Management

The management and delivery of pavement intervention strategy, resealing and asphalt, rehabilitation and area-wide treatment, drainage maintenance, preventive and emergency work repairs, and incident and emergency response programs.

Pavement intervention strategy, Nomad and ten-year programme are current and robust.

Appropriate levels of funding are sought. Levels of service are appropriate or have strategic implementation plans. Priorities have been considered.

Performance targets in the Statement of Intent are achieved or satisfactory explanations are provided.

To manage the impact of the network on adjoining landowners and road users.

Complaints and enquiries are investigated, evaluated and actioned.

To set performance targets in accordance with the Statement of Intent.

Performance targets are achieved or satisfactory explanation provided.

To engage legal and other professional advice as required.

Appropriate resources are available.

To carry out an appropriate level of inspection of the network so that the consultants and contractors can be audited for performance and levels of service can be assessed.

The entire network is covered each quarter and additional inspections are carried out as necessary.

Transit and road users get value for money.

No justifiable complaints from road users.

To participate in the formulation of local policies and procedures.

Satisfactory performance on local working groups.

To manage technical audits and participate in technical audits in other regions.

Audit outcome satisfactory.

Programming and Work Planning

Manage the preparation of forecasts and annual plans, determine priorities and programming for the implementation of maintenance, sealing, shape correction, flood damage, and safety works.

Optimization of expenditure in the maintenance program.

Annual plan preparation meets Head Office timetable and quality expectations.

Ensure monthly accrual information is accurate and within budget.

On time meeting Head Office timetable.

To provide continuous (for items allocated in Proman) management of budgets, accruals, and forecasts.

Financial reports are provided to management on time, surpluses and deficits are handled promptly, budgets are established at beginning of the year and program is delivered without substantial unjustified variance to budget.

The February end-of-year forecast is achieved with ± 1.5%.

To ensure that sufficient funding is held for all contracts to be completed.

Action allocation adjustments so that contracts can be paid.

To manage contract payments.

Payments are timely and do not incur interest or complaint from service providers.

Identification of Asset Improvements

Identification and preliminary investigation improvement projects.

Priorities and needs identified are transferred into the annual plan. Worthwhile projects are identified and developed.

Inventory of improvement projects always up to date, and new opportunities proactively identified.

Team Leader Nelson-Tasman

To coordinate leadership of Transit's maintenance team.

The inputs into Transit's management of the Nelson-Tasman region Network Consultant contract are consistent and are of a high professional standard.

Actions required by the client are directed to the appropriate person and carried out in a timely manner.

The consultant cannot fault Transit's performance in terms of timely delivery of responses.

Performance targets in the Statement of Intent are achieved or satisfactory explanations are provided.

Overview of network fees.

Fee funding request is justified.

Financial target for network fees is achieved.

Management of annual plan preparation.

The Annual Plan is delivered on time to Head Office.

The requests are clearly justified and substantiated.

The request meets the funding needs for the following year.

Responsible for the management of monthly meeting with Network Consultant.

The monthly meeting is managed in an efficient manner, feedback is communicated on performance.

Maintenance activities are monitored monthly with any issue being identified and a process for their resolution being defined.

Asset Information

To manage the development and updating of inventories and databases, including production of SH valuation required for asset management.

Appropriate tools and systems are in place to provide appropriate asset information.

Information is accurate and retrievable.

Other Duties

Carry out national duties and other tasks as may be assigned from time to time.

Participate in national working groups as required.

Carry out other duties and tasks as may be assigned from time to time.

Exhibit willingness to undertake additional tasks and complete as required, having identified any resource limitations and impact on other work.

Complete tasks to agreed time, quality, and cost targets.

Working Together

Work together in a team environment where information is shared, colleagues are supported, encouraged and respected.

Positive contribution at all times.

Person Specification

Sufficient maturity to liaise effectively with senior managers and engineering staff of consultants, territorial authorities, roading industry, and the general public.

Qualifications and Experience
A professional engineer with ten years' and above roading experience and meeting the requirements to qualify for membership to IPENZ. Experience in roading construction and maintenance required. Knowledge of Transit New Zealand policies and procedures required. Experience in dealing with the general public, public meetings, and media would be an advantage.

Personality and Temperament
Sense of response, maturity, and judgment. To be accepted in this role by technical staff and consultants.

Skills Required

Ability to:


Transit New Zealand has adopted a nonsmoking office policy so that this person must be able to work in that environment.

A driver's license is essential.


Regional Asset Manager

Transit New Zealand Wellington Regional Office

Responsible To
Regional Manager

Responsible For
Area Engineer(s)
Road Safety Engineer
Administration Assistant
Highway Superintendent

Functional Relationships
Regional Staff
Head Office Staff
Local Authorities
Contractors and Consultants
External Stakeholders
Public and interest groups

Principal Objectives

  1. To manage the safety and integrity of the Wellington regional state highway network.
  2. To manage consultants employed on projects where nominated as sponsor.
  3. To ensure the roading industry, local authorities, and public are proactively consulted in relation to Transit's state highway business.
  4. To deputize for the Regional Manager in his/her absence.
Key Tasks Performance Criteria

1. Determine priorities and programming for the implementation of maintenance, sealing, shape correction, flood damage, safety works, and construction projects.

  • Optimization of expenditure in the maintenance program.
  • Quality projects recommended for funding in the Regional Land Transport Program.

2. To develop and publish approved highway corridor strategies across the regional network.

  • Strategies are soundly based and reflect the National State Highway and Transit's objectives.
  • Stakeholders are consulted and brought into the strategy where practical.
  • Strategies are developed efficiently, reflect input by Transit staff, and are expeditiously finalized and presented to the Authority for approval.

3. Ensure that a strategy is implemented to continually identify improvement projects.

  • Inventory of improvement projects always up to date, and new opportunities proactively identified.

4. Manage the preparation of forecasts, reviews and reconciliation of state highway works and fees programmes.

  • Optimization of expenditure within budget.
  • Input of Regional Projects Group into preparation/management of NRP is optimized (noting that accountability for delivery of capital projects is held by Regional Projects Manager).

5. Ensure monthly accrual information is accurate, within budget, and forwarded to programming section.

  • On time for Authority meeting timetable.

6. Where nominated as project sponsor.

  • Staff develop full potential.
  • Staff fully aware of expectations. High productive output achieve.
  • A demonstrable passion to “go faster” on project delivery.
  • Evidence of satisfactory liaison with Local Authorities, Iwi, and other key stakeholders.
  • Proactive relationships with the media.

7. Provide input, and manage where appropriate, business improvement processes both within the Regional office and across Transit New Zealand.

  • Initiative demonstrated where opportunities for improvement are identified.
  • Input into improvement projects is valued by other Transit staff.
  • Input is provided in constructive and timely manner.
  • Seek appropriate training and expansion of skill base.

8. Organise the preparation of documentation and briefs for engagement of consultants for professional services contracts, invite proposals, assist in evaluation of submissions as a member of tender evaluation team.

  • Quality documentation on time.
  • Evaluations that conform to CPP procedural requirements.

9. Audit consultants' and contractors' standards and performance associated with the execution of routine maintenance, bridge repairs, shape correction, sealing works, and major projects.

  • Traverse highway network at least twice a year.
  • Transit and road users getting value for money.
  • No justifiable complaints from road users.

10. Manage handover inspections with consultants for all shape correction, safety, and construction projects.

  • Transit's standards criteria and guidelines met.

11. Liaise with territorial authorities who manage state highways under delegation on a day-to-day basis in terms of the delegation agreement.

  • No justifiable complaints from local authority engineers.

12. Respond to industry and public enquiries and complaints.

  • Enquiries and complaint answered within 2 weeks.

13. Carry out other duties as may be allocated from time to time.

  • Exhibit willingness to undertake additional tasks and complete as required, having identified any resource limitations and impact on other work.

14. Deputy for regional manager.


15. Carry out national duties and other tasks as may be assigned from time to time.

  • Participate in national working groups such as best practice groups.
  • Complete tasks to agreed time, quality, and cost targets.

16. Participate in the regional management team.

  • Active support and participation in the Regional Management team and Transit Development Forum.

Person Specification

Sufficient maturity to liaise effectively with senior managers and engineering staff of consultants, territorial authorities, roading industry, and the general public.

Qualifications and Experience
A registered engineer is highly desirable. Experience in roading construction and maintenance required. Knowledge of Transit New Zealand policies and procedures required. Experience in dealing with the general public, public meetings, and media would be an advantage.

Personality and Temperament
Sense of response, maturity and judgment. To be accepted in this role by technical staff, consultants, local and central government politicians.

Skills Required
Ability to:

  1. Analyze technical and financial roading proposals.
  2. Report on problems and proposals clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing.
  3. Recognize need for appropriate proactive communication strategies.
  4. Identify performance of the state highway network, both in total and by individual site, by inspection supplemented by performance records as available.
  5. Identify improvements to technical and administrative policy.
  6. Show a high level of initiative and a flair for innovative approaches.


Transit New Zealand has adopted a nonsmoking office policy so that this person must be able to work in that environment.

A driver's license is essential.

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