U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Office of Policy & Governmental Affairs

Image Credit: Internal DOT Library

Office of International Programs


FHWA’s international activities enable U.S. stakeholders to gain better access to technology, information, and markets for the benefit of the public and private sectors. The Office of International Programs is active in identifying and capitalizing on opportunities abroad that benefit the U.S. highway transportation community.

Generally, the activities of the office fall into the following categories:

  • Sharing and exchanging technology and information
  • Promoting the use of highway standards that are compatible across the world.
  • Providing technical assistance

The Office of International Programs’ activities are designed to support FHWA in shaping the future of highway transportation in the United States by incorporating the agency’s strategic goals into a broad range of interactions with foreign counterparts. The office coordinates technical assistance and information exchange with foreign government agencies and other organizations. The results include better understanding of technologies and practices with the potential for adaptation and use in the United States, as well as more extensive use of proven technologies and practices such as bridge design and pavement standards.

In most instances, Office of International Programs is the first link between FHWA and the rest of the world. It is a resource that international colleagues can rely on for assistance with their most vital transportation questions. It is also the resource that U.S. government stakeholders can turn to for assistance in reaching foreign governments and other entities for information exchange and other cooperation.

Across these programs, the Office of International Programs actively fosters mutually beneficial activities, including those that:

  • Yield information to improve the safety, durability, and efficiency of road system
  • Provide assistance so that other countries can benefit from U.S. experiences and expertise to improve their roads
  • Support U.S. foreign policy
Page last modified on March 21, 2024
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000