Appendix D Bibliography
Below is a list of the resource materials made available to the scan team before, during, and after the scan. Additional information on these documents may be obtained by contacting a member of the scan team.
Unpublished Documents
- "Austrian tunnels—general information," P. J. Sturm, Graz University (presentation)
- "Safety features in Austrian tunnels," P. J. Sturm (presentation)
- Video clips, P. J. Sturm
Published Documents
- "Crossing the Oresund," Oresundsbron, Oresundsbro Konsortiet, January 2005 (brochure)
- "An introduction to Copenhagen's new traffic system, Metro," Orestad Development Corporation, ISBN: 87-90143-44-2, 2002 (brochure)
- "MSURR: Overall MSURR Safety Description," Orestadsselskabet I/S-Metro, Report No. 80-4-01-034, February 2004 (brochure)
- "Orestad Expanding Copenhagen City," Orestad Development Corporation, ISBN: 87-90143-33-7, 2001 (brochure)
- "Protect Your Investment—Bridges Forever," Rambøll (brochure)
- "SMART Monitoring System—Knowledge taking people further," Rambøll Denmark (brochure)
- "The Traffic Centre and Toll Station," Oresundsbron (brochure)
- "Two countries—one plan, Joint Danish-Swedish contingency plan for the Oresund Fixed Link," Oresundsbron (brochure)
- "Welcome to the Oresund Bridge," Oresundsbron (brochure)
Unpublished Documents
- "Copenhagen Metro Operation and Maintenance Aspects" (presentation)
- "Copenhagen Metro, Safety Approach for transportation system with tunnel and underground stations, 28-9-2005 AAJ" (presentation)
- "Monitoring Structures and Deterioration," Rambøll (presentation)
- "Oresund Bridge and Safety," Oresundsbron (presentation)
- "Oresund Maintenance," Oresundsbron (presentation)
- "Q&M—Infrastructure Systematic Maintenance and Management," Rambøll (presentation)
- "Rambøll Group—Knowledge taking people further" (presentation)
- "Risk Management, Rambøll Denmark" (presentation)
Published Documents
- "A86—Drive comfortably below and live better above," Cofiroute (brochure)
- "The A86 West Tunnel," Cofiroute (CD)
- "Architecture of Communication Systems," CETU (graphic)
- "Contributions from the Feedback on Experience to Improve Safety in Road Tunnels," M. Tesson and S. Lingelser, CETU, 2nd International Conference on Traffic and Safety in Road Tunnels, May 2003 (paper)
- "Discover the alignment of A86 West," Cofiroute (map)
- "Fire Behavior in Road Tunnels," CETU
- "Guide to Road Tunnel Safety Documentation: Booklet 2, Tunnels in Operation 'from the existing condition to the reference condition,'" Tunnel Study Centre, June 2003
- "Guide to Road Tunnel Safety Documentation: Booklet 4, Specific Hazard Investigations," Tunnel Study Centre, September 2003
- "Guide to Road Tunnel Safety Documentation: Safety Documentation Objectives," Tunnel Study Centre, March 2003
- "An integrated safety study for the use of Fixed Fire Fighting Systems," P. Carlotti, CETU, NFPA World Safety Conference, Las Vegas, June 2005 (paper)
- "Recommendations for Tunnel Design Specifications," CETU
- "Recommendations for Tunnel Design Specifications," CETU
- "Tunnel boring machine specifications—A86 West Underground link-up," Cofiroute (brochure)
- "Ventilation Software, for examining and simulating various scenarios," (not a CFD analytical tool), CETU
- "Video image processing for traffic management and safety, Video Detection Systems," Citilog (brochure)
Unpublished Documents
- "The A86 West Tunnels," Julien Chappert, Cofiroute (presentation)
- "Integration of human behavior in the improvement of safety in French road tunnels," M. Tesson and S. Lavedrine, CETU (paper)
- "Safety procedures and documentation," Marc Tesson, CETU (presentation)
- "A Training Centre for Tunnel Safety: TUTOR (Tunnel Training Operation Centre)," P. Merand, J. Martin, and V. Aurand, CETU (paper)
- "Video image processing for traffic management and safety," Citilog (presentation)
Published Documents
- "Catastrophic Tunnel Fires—What have we learnt?" A. Haack, STUVA (paper)
- "Emergency Scenarios for Public Commuter Transportation Tunnels," A. Haack and J. Schreyer (paper)
- "Fire Protection Concepts for Traffic Tunnels," A. Haack (paper)
- "Fire Protection in Vehicles and Tunnels for Public Transport," S TUVA, ISBN: 3-87094-664-4, 2005
- "Latest Achievement and Perspectives in Tunnel Safety," A. Haack, STUVA (paper)
- "Standardisation and Research about Fire Safety in European Traffic Tunnels," A. Haack, STUVA (paper)
- "Technical Options for Fireproof Tunnel Linings—Limits, Advantages and Disadvantages of the Various Solutions," A. Haack, STUVA (paper)
- "Tunnels: Challenges of Today and Tomorrow," A. Haack, STUVA (paper)
- "Tunnel Fixed Fire Suppression Systems— Symposium Introduction and Overview," A. Haack, STUVA (paper)
Published Documents
- "A New Look at the Mont Blanc Tunnel," GEIE TMB (brochure)
The Netherlands
Published Documents
- Fire Resistance of Road Tunnels, G. M. Wolsink, Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, September 2005 (report)
- "A guideline for scenario analysis," E. Worm, Center for Tunnel Safety (paper)
- "Human behaviour influencing tunnel safety," Stockholm 310103, E. Worm (paper)
- "Introduction to an integrated safety philosophy," E. Worm, Center for Tunnel Safety (paper)
- "The principle of the quantitative risk analysis (appendix 1 at the integrated safety philosophy)," E. Worm (paper)
- "Safety concept of the Westerschelde Tunnel," E. Worm, Center for Tunnel Safety (paper)
Unpublished Documents
- "A guideline for scenario analysis," E. Worm, Center for Tunnel Safety (presentation)
- "An integrated safety philosophy," E. Worm, Center for Tunnel Safety (presentation)
- "New Escape route signposting," E. Worm (presentation)
- "Pilot Project Compressed Air Foam in Roertunnel A73," E. Worm (presentation)
- "The principle of a Quantitative Risk Analysis," E. Worm, Center for Tunnel Safety (presentation)
- "Road Tunnel Accident Scenario Analysis," D. deWeger, et al., Center for Tunnel Safety (presentation)
- "Rules relating to the safety of tunnels accessible to road traffic (Road Tunnel Safety (Supplementary Rules) Act)," (bill)
- "Rules relating to the safety of tunnels accessible to road traffic (Road Tunnel Safety (Supplementary Rules) Act)," (bill)
- "Safety concept of the Westerschelde Tunnel," E. Worm, Center for Tunnel Safety (presentation and text)
- "UPTUN," E. Worm, Center for Tunnel Safety (presentation)
Published Documents
- "Air curtain assisted smoke control system," H. Skistad, SINTEF (presentation)
- "Laerdalstunnelen, The Laerdal tunnel," Statens vegvesen, September 2000 (brochure)
- "Leading R&D to increase fire safety," SINTEF Norwegian Fire Research Laboratory (brochure)
- "New road between Klett and Bardshaug," New E39 European highway, Norway (brochure)
- "Road tolling in Norway," Norwegian Public Roads Administration (brochure)
- "Technology for a better society," SINTEF, ISBN: 82-14-02777-2 (brochure)
Unpublished Documents
- "Evacuation Strategies for Road Tunnels," D. Bertelsen, SINTEF (presentation)
- "Fire suppression in tunnels," SINTEF (presentation)
- "LED-lights for Safety, Comfort and Evaluation," T. Giaever, SINTEF (presentation)
- "NBL—Large Scale Fire Test Hall," SINTEF (information sheet)
- "SINTEF Driving Simulator," G. Jenssen, SINTEF (presentation)
- "Snakefighter," SINTEF (presentation)
PIARC Publications
- Classification of Tunnels, Existing Guidelines and Experiences, Recommendations, 05.03.B, 1995
- Cross Section Design of Bidirectional Road Tunnels, 05.12.B, 2004
- Cross Section Geometry in Unidirectional Road Runnels, 05.11.B, 2002
- Fire and Smoke Control in Road Tunnels, 05.05.B, 1999
- The First Road Tunnel—A Planner Guide for Countries Without Previous Experience of New Road Tunnels, 05.01.B, 1995
- Good Practice for the Operation and Maintenance of Road Tunnels, 05.13.B, 2005
- Road Safety in Tunnels, 05.04.B, 1996
- Road Tunnels (XIIth World Congress), 12.05.B, 1967
- Road Tunnels (XVIth World Road Congress), 16.05.B, 1979
- Road Tunnels (XVIIth World Road Congress), 17.05.B, 1983
- Road Tunnels (XVIIIth World Road Congress), 18.05.B, 1987
- Road Tunnels (XIXth World Road Congress), 19.05.B, 1991
- Road Tunnels (XXth World Road Congress), 20.05.B, 1995
- Road Tunnels (XXIst World Road Congress), 21.05.B, 1999
- Road Tunnels (XXIInd World Road Congress), 22.05.B, 2003
- Road Tunnels: Emissions, Environment, Ventilation, 05.02.B, 1996
- Road Tunnels: Reduction of Operating Costs, 05.06 B, 1999
- Road Tunnels: Vehicle Emissions and Air Demand for Ventilation, 05.14.B, 2004
- Systems and Equipment for Fire and Smoke Control in Road Tunnels, 05.16.B, 2006
- Traffic Incident Management Systems Used in Road Tunnels, 05.15.B, 2005
Published Documents
- "The Baku Subway Fire," B. Wahlstroem and P. Rohlen, Sweden (paper)
- "Brand Posten, News from Fire Technology, SP," No. 29, February 2004 (brochure)
- "Brand Posten, News from Fire Technology, SP," No. 32, 2005 (brochure)
- "Bridges and tunnels on the threshold of the 21st century," Swedish National Road Administration, 2001: 18E, December 2001, ISSN: 1401-9612 (brochure)
- "CityLine, Stockholm," Banverket, September 2004 (brochure)
- "A Complex Construction that will Simplify Rail Travel," Citytunneln (brochure)
- "Experience from the Stockholm Ring Road Project," B. Wahlstroem (paper)
- Proceedings of the International Symposium on Catastrophic Tunnel Fires, 20-21 November 2003, SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, SP Report 2004:05
- "Ringen—The Stockholm Ring Road Implementation Plan," Stockholmsleder AB, December 1992 (brochure)
- "Technology and Environment," Citytunneln (brochure)
Unpublished Documents
- "Citytunneln," B. Nilsson, Citytunneln (presentation)
- "E201 Tunnels and Triangel Station," Citytunnel (presentation)
- "SP Tunnel Fire Activities," H. Ingason, SP (presentation)
Published Documents
- "2004 Annual Report of the Swiss Federal Roads Authority (FEDRO)," 2005 (brochure)
- "The Fire in the Gotthard Tunnel of October 24, 2001," M. Bettelini, H. Neuenschwander, A. Henke, M. Gagliardi, and W. Steiner, Lombardi Engineering Ltd., 102.2-R-150, April 2003 (paper)
- "The Gotthard Road Tunnel" (brochure)
- "Loetschberg base tunnel, Sonderdruck/Reprint Tunnel," BLS Alp- Transit, June 2002 (brochure)
- "Loetschberg base tunnel, The Swiss construction project of the century takes shape," BLS AlpTransit (brochure)
- "Methodology and Tools for Risk Based Evaluation of Safety Measures for an Existing Road Tunnel," H. Merz, M. Bertogg, and W. Steiner (paper)
- Roads and Traffic: Facts, Figures and Tendencies—2004 Annual Report
- "Safe Driving In Road Tunnels for Professionals" (brochure)
- SIA 197, " Design of Tunnels, Basic Principles," Swiss Standards Association, 2004
- SIA 197/1, " Design of Tunnels, Railway Tunnels," Swiss Standards Association, 2004
- SIA 197/2, " Design of Tunnels, Road Tunnels," Swiss Standards Association, 2004
- "Upgrading the Ventilation Of The Gotthard Road Tunnel," Bettelini, et al.
Unpublished Documents
- "Construction Site of BLS AlpTransit in Mitholz," E. Mannes (presentation)
- "Fire Detection," FEDRO (presentation)
- "Gotthard-Strassentunnel," W. Steiner (presentation)
- "Loetschberg Basis Tunnel Safety in Construction Engineering," M. Aeschbach (presentation)
- "Ventilation of Protected Areas in Road Tunnels," FEDRO (presentation)
- "Ventilation of Road Tunnels—The Swiss Directive," FEDRO (presentation)
United States
Published Documents
- American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., (ASHRAE) 2003 ASHRAE Handbook, Chapter 13, " Enclosed Vehicular Facilities"
- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 130, Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems
- NFPA 502, Standard for Road Tunnels, Bridges, and Other Limited Access Highways
- Recommendations for Bridge and Tunnel Security, FHWA/AASHTO Report of the Blue Ribbon Panel on Bridge and Tunnel Security, September 2003
- Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) J-10G and National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) 20-77, Making Transportation Tunnels Safe and Secure, final report pending, January 2006