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Appendix C Team Members

Contact Information

Dan A. Dawood (AASHTO cochair)
Chief, Pavement Design & Analysis
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Bureau of Maintenance & Operations
Commonwealth Keystone Building, 6th Floor
400 North Street
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Tel: (717) 787-4246
Fax: (717) 787-7004
E-mail: ddawood@state.pa.us

Robert F. Tally (FHWA cochair)
Division Administrator
FHWA Indiana Division
575 North Pennsylvania Street, Room 254
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Tel: (317) 226-7476
Fax: (317) 226-7341
E-mail: robert.tally@dot.gov

Suneel N. Vanikar (FHWA cochair)
Concrete Team Leader
FHWA Office of Pavement Technology, HIPT-20
Nassif Building, Room 3118
400 Seventh Street, SW.
Washington, DC 20590
Tel: (202) 366-0120
Fax: (202) 493-2070
E-mail: suneel.vanikar@dot.gov

Tom Cackler
Center for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Technology
Iowa State University
2901 S. Loop Drive, Suite 3100
Ames, IA 50010
Tel: (515) 294-3230
Fax: (515) 294-0467
E-mail: tcackler@iastate.edu

Angel L. Correa
Pavement Design Engineer
FHWA Resource Center
61 Forsyth Street, SW.
Suite 17T26
Atlanta, GA 30303
Tel: (404) 562-3907
Fax: (404) 562-3700
E-mail: angel.correa@dot.gov

Peter Deem
Vice President, National & Regional Promotions
Holcim (US) Inc.
400 Centennial Parkway, Suite 190
Louisville, CO 80027
Tel: (303) 926-3711
Fax: (303) 926-3730
E-mail: peter.deem@holcim.com

James Duit
Duit Construction Co, Inc.
6250 Industrial Blvd.
PO Box 3788
Edmond, OK 73034
Tel: (405) 340-6026
Fax: (405) 348-7627
E-mail: jimduit@duitconstruction.com

Georgene Geary
State Materials & Research Engineer
Georgia Dept. of Transportation
15 Kennedy Dr.
Forest Park, GA 30297
Tel: (404) 363-7512
Fax: (404) 362-4251
E-mail: georgene.geary@dot.state.ga.us

Andy Gisi
Assistant Geotechnical Engineer
Kansas DOT
2300 Van Buren Dr.
Topeka, KS 66611
Tel: (785) 296-3008
Fax: (785) 296-2526
E-mail: agisi@ksdot.org

Dr. Kathleen T. Hall (report facilitator)
1271 Huntington Drive South
Mundelein, IL 60060
Tel: (847) 549-8568
Fax: (847) 589-4284
E-mail: kthall64@comcast.net

Dr. Amir Hanna
Senior Program Officer
500 5th St., NW
Washington, DC 20001
Tel: (202) 334-1892
Fax: (202) 334-2006
E-mail: ahanna@nas.edu

Steven H. Kosmatka
Staff Vice President for Research and Technical Services
Portland Cement Association
5420 Old Orchard Road
Skokie, IL 60077
Tel: (847) 972-9164
Fax: (847) 972-9165
E-mail: skosmatka@cement.org

Dr. Robert Otto Rasmussen
Vice President & Chief Engineer
The Transtec Group, Inc.
1012 East 38 1/2 Street
Austin, TX 78751
Tel: (512) 451-6233, ext.23
Fax: (512) 692-2921
E-mail: robotto@thetranstecgroup.com

Dr. Shiraz Tayabji
International Society for Concrete Pavements
CTL Group
5565 Sterrette Place, Suite 312
Columbia, MD 21044
Tel: (410) 997-0400
Fax: (410) 997-8480
E-mail: stayabji@ctlgroup.com

Gerald F. Voigt
President & CEO
American Concrete Pavement Association
5420 Old Orchard Road, Suite A100
Skokie, IL 60077
Tel: (847) 966-2272
Fax: (847) 966-9970
E-mail: gvoigt@pavement.com

Biographic Sketches

DAN DAWOOD (AASHTO cochair) is chief of the Pavement Design and Analysis Section for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation in Harrisburg, PA. Dawood is responsible for all policy, specifications, and standards that relate to pavement design and construction statewide. He is also responsible for establishing and managing research projects that enhance pavement design and construction technology. Before becoming chief pavement engineer, Dawood worked in regional district offices as a highway designer and traffic safety engineer. He also spent time as a private sector engineer after beginning his career as a geotechnical engineer. Dawood received a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from Pennsylvania State University and is a licensed professional engineer in Pennsylvania. He serves on various task forces and committees nationally. He chairs the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Joint Technical Committee on Pavements.

SUNEEL VANIKAR (FHWA cochair) is the Concrete Team leader for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in the Office of Pavement Technology in Washington, DC. Vanikar directs activities related to concrete pavement and concrete materials, including policy, guidance, research, and technology transfer. He is involved in fast-track construction, nondestructive testing of concrete, and high-performance concrete programs. He has written numerous publications on high-performance concrete and is a frequent speaker at national and international meetings. Vanikar earned a master's degree in civil engineering from Colorado State University and is a licensed professional engineer in New Hampshire. He serves on technical committees of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and the American Concrete Institute (ACI). He is a recipient of the FHWA Administrator's Award and the Public Official of the Year Award from the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA).

ROBERT F. TALLY, JR. (FHWA cochair) is the division administrator for the FHWA Indiana Division. Tally directs a multidisciplinary staff that administers the Federal-Aid Highway Program throughout Indiana to improve its transportation system. Before his promotion to division administrator, he served as the assistant division administrator in the Texas Division, Program Delivery Team leader in the California Division, and bridge engineer in the Arizona Division, and in other engineering positions in the South Carolina, Michigan, and Louisiana Divisions. During his FHWA career, Tally has worked on a number of noteworthy projects, including the $3.5 billion Central Texas Turnpike project in Austin, TX; the $3.2 billion San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge replacement project in San Francisco, CA; the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge Project in Boulder City, NV; the Navajo Bridge project in Arizona; and the Cooper River Bridge and Wando River Bridge projects in Charleston, SC. Tally received bachelor's and master's degrees in civil engineering from the University of Louisville and is a licensed civil engineer in South Carolina. Tally's expertise and focus are on implementing applied research and technological advances to improve delivery of transportation systems in the United States.

TOM CACKLER is the director of the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center at Iowa State University. The CP Tech Center manages more than $8 million in concrete pavement technology research, including four Transportation Pooled Fund Program studies. Cackler was part of the research team that produced the CP Road Map publication and directed the acquisition of the CP Tech Center's 2,500-square-foot mobile laboratory. Before joining the CP Tech Center, Cackler worked for more than 25 years for the Iowa Department of Transportation, most recently serving as the director of the Highway Division. Cackler earned a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from Iowa State University and is a licensed professional engineer in Iowa. He serves on the TRB Construction Management Committee (A2F05) and has served on the AASHTO Standing Committee on Highways, AASHTO Subcommittee on Construction, and joint industry quality improvement committees with the Associated General Contractors of Iowa, Asphalt Paving Association of Iowa, and Iowa Concrete Paving Association.

ANGEL L. CORREA is a pavement and materials engineer for the FHWA Resource Center in Atlanta, GA. Correa provides technical assistance and training to State departments of transportation in all aspects of portland cement concrete pavement design, construction, materials, and rehabilitation. Correa has been with FHWA for more than 15 years, spending the past 10 years in concrete pavement rehabilitation and preservation. He has held technical positions in the FHWA Resource Center in Atlanta and the Office of Pavement Technology in Washington, DC. Correa received a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the University of Puerto Rico and a master's degree in civil engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a licensed professional engineer in Maryland and serves on various State and TRB technical committees on concrete pavements.

PETER DEEM is vice president of national and regional promotion for Holcim (US) Inc. Deem works with the major national associations in the cement industry and represents Holcim (US) on many of their boards and committees. Deem's position as chairman of the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) involves him in all aspects of the concrete paving industry. Before becoming vice president of national and regional promotion, Deem was vice president for sales for the Holcim West Division. He received a bachelor's degree in liberal arts from the University of Minnesota. He is on the board of directors and executive committee of ACPA, the board of directors of the American Concrete Pipe Association, and several committees of the Portland Cement Association and the National Ready Mix Concrete Association. He is also involved with the boards of directors of a number of regional promotion groups for the cement industry.

JIM DUIT is the president of Duit Construction Company, Inc., a concrete paving contractor in Edmond, OK. Duit is now constructing concrete paving projects in Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, and Kansas. He started his company in 1969 and has been building concrete pavements ever since. He is a graduate of Iowa State University. He is the past national chair of the American Concrete Paving Association and past president of the Oklahoma Associated General Contractors and Oklahoma/Arkansas American Concrete Paving Association. Duit is also active on many association committees.

Georgene M. Geary is the State materials and research engineer for the Georgia Department of Transportation. Geary oversees the testing, pavement, geotechnical, and administration functions of the Office of Materials and Research, involving more than 380 employees. Her office is responsible for the quality of all materials used in Georgia DOT construction projects and the management of a $6 million-a-year research program. The Georgia DOT is involved in a "Fast Forward" program that includes widening, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of the Interstates, many of which were originally constructed as concrete pavements. Geary earned a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a master's degree in civil engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. She is a licensed professional engineer in Georgia. She serves on several TRB technical committees, is on several committees for ASTM and AASHTO, and is on the American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) Transportation and Development Institute Research Committee.

ANDREW GISI is the geotechnical engineer with the Kansas Department of Transportation in Topeka, KS. Gisi directs the activities of the Geotechnical Unit with responsibilities in soil, pavement, geology, and pavement management. He serves as technical expert in design, construction, maintenance, and performance of highway pavements. He has served in his present capacity for 4 years. He has 30 years of experience in pavement evaluation and design and 7 years of experience in the accelerated pavement testing arena. Gisi is a graduate of South Dakota State University and holds a master's degree in civil engineering from Kansas State University. He is a licensed professional engineer in Kansas and serves on several technical committees of the ASCE, ASTM, AASHTO, and National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP).

DR. KATHLEEN T. HALL (report facilitator) is a consultant specializing in design, evaluation, structural analysis, and rehabilitation of concrete and asphalt-overlaid concrete pavements. She has served as the principal investigator for several NCHRP and FHWA research studies on subjects including the cost-effectiveness of sealing joints in concrete pavements; the effectiveness of subsurface drainage systems in asphalt and concrete pavements in the Long-Term Pavement Performance program (LTPP) SPS-1 and SPS-2 experiments; the performance of concrete and asphalt pavement maintenance and rehabilitation techniques in the LTPP SPS-3, SPS-4, SPS-5, and SPS-6 experiments; and the development of guidelines for pavement rehabilitation. She is a codeveloper of the National Highway Institute (NHI) training course "Concrete Pavement Design Details and Construction Practices," principal investigator for presentation of the NHI course "Pavement Subsurface Drainage Design," and coprincipal investigator for the development of the NHI course "Analysis of New and Rehabilitated Pavement Performance with Mechanistic-Empirical Design Guide Software." Hall received her bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D. degrees in civil engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and is a licensed professional engineer in Illinois and Indiana. She is a past chair of the TRB Committee on Rigid Pavement Design, as well as a member of TRB's committees on pavement rehabilitation, and sealants and fillers for joints and cracks. She is vice president of the International Society of Concrete Pavements and a member of ACPA.

DR. AMIR N. HANNA is a senior program officer with the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), a division of the National Academy of Sciences' Transportation Research Board. Hanna joined NCHRP in 1992. He manages research projects in the areas of pavement design, materials, construction, and maintenance. He was responsible for the $7 million project that developed the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide and several projects dealing with concrete pavements and concrete materials used in pavements and bridges. Previously, he worked for 5 years as a project manager for the Strategic Highway Research Program, during which he was part of the Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) studies group and was responsible for the development of the Specific Pavement Studies. He worked for 15 years as a principal engineer for the Construction Technology Laboratories of the Portland Cement Association. He also worked for the Transportation Development Centre of the Canadian Ministry of Transport and the Technical University of Munich, Germany. Hanna holds a Ph.D. degree from the Technical University of Munich and is a registered professional engineer in the Province of Ontario, Canada. He is a fellow and life member of ASCE, a fellow of ACI, and a member of ASCE and ACI technical committees. He was a member of several TRB technical committees for more than 20 years and chaired the TRB committee on strength and deformation characteristics of pavements from 1979 to 1985. Hanna was a member of the 1992 U.S. Tour of European Concrete Highways.

STEVEN KOSMATKA is staff vice president of Research and Technical Services for the Portland Cement Association (PCA), in Skokie, IL. Kosmatka oversees PCA's Research, Construction Technology Center, Product Standards and Technology, and Cement Manufacturing programs. This includes research and standards development aimed at improving durability of concrete pavements. Kosmatka has 25 years of experience addressing durability issues, such as alkali-aggregate reactivity, deicer scaling, frost resistance, and sulfate attack. He received his civil engineering degree from the University of North Dakota. He is a licensed professional engineer and serves on technical committees of ACI, TRB, and the American Society for Testing and Materials.

DR. ROBERT RASMUSSEN is vice president and chief engineer of The Transtec Group, Inc., a pavement, materials, and construction engineering firm headquartered in Austin, TX. On this scanning tour, he represented the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, with which he has worked on numerous projects. Rasmussen's accomplishments include the development of design and construction guidelines for concrete overlays, the FHWA HIPERPAV software to predict the early age behavior of concrete pavements, and a concrete materials and mix performance analysis system (COMPASS), as well as the measurement and modeling of concrete pavement unevenness, texture, friction, and tire-pavement noise. He received a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the University of Arizona, and master's and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Texas at Austin. Rasmussen is a registered professional engineer in Texas, has written dozens of peer-reviewed papers, and is the recipient of an international award from the World Road Association (PIARC). He belongs to numerous editorial boards, expert task groups, and industry groups, including TRB, ASCE, ACPA, Association of Asphalt Pavement Technologists, RILEM (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems, and Structures), and Institute of Noise Control Engineering.

DR. SHIRAZ D. TAYABJI is the regional manager for the CTL Group of Columbia, MD. A past president and founding member of the International Society for Concrete Pavements, he is involved in developing, improving, and implementing technologies for highway and airfield concrete pavements. He has been involved in design, construction, testing, and rehabilitation of concrete pavements for many years, and provides consulting services on problems related to airfield and highway concrete pavements. He serves as the project manager for two major multiyear contracts funded by FHWA to improve pavement performance and implement technology transfer activities for concrete pavements. He was recently awarded a project funded by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and overseen by the Innovative Pavement Research Foundation (IPRF) to revise the P-501 specification for construction of FAA-funded airfield concrete pavements. Tayabji received a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the University of East Africa in Nairobi, Kenya, and master's and Ph.D. degrees in civil engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a registered engineer in Illinois, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and New Jersey.

GERALD VOIGT is the president and chief executive officer of the American Concrete Pavement Association, headquartered in Skokie, IL. Voigt leads the association in its full array of services, including technical, market development, research, and government affairs. Under his leadership, the association has formed a National Concrete Pavement Technology Center that will provide research and technology transfer support to the industry. He is the author of many industry technical documents covering a broad range of concrete pavement topics, including design, construction, rehabilitation, and materials. He was appointed ACPA president in 2005, having been with the association since 1988. Voigt earned bachelor's and master's degrees in civil engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and is a registered professional engineer in Illinois. He serves on several boards and technical committees, including the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Transportation Engineering Road Research Alliance, and TRB.

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