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Appendix D: Host Country Contacts


Ales Znidaric
Section Head, Dynamics and Structures
Dimiceva 12
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Telephone: (011–386) 1–2804–207
Fax: (001–386) 1–4367–449
E–mail: ales.znidaric@zag.si

Robert Brozovic
Director–General Manager
Spruha 32
1236 Trzin, Slovenia
Telephone: (011–386) 1–568–1719
Fax: (011–386) 1–568–6099
E–mail: robert.brozovic@cestel.si

Igor Lavric
Dimiceva 12
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Telephone: (011–386) 1–2804–293
Fax: (001–386) 1–4367–449
E–mail: igor.lavric@zag.si

Dean Herenda
Slovenian Ministry of Transportation
Langusova 4
1535 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Telephone: (011–386) 1–478–8212
Fax: (011–386) 1–478–8148
E–mail: dean.herenda@gov.si

Ljiljana Herga
Directorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Roads
Trzaska c. 19
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Telephone: (011–386) 1–478–8085
Fax: (011–386) 1–478–8070
E–mail: ljiljana.herga@gov.si

Mladen Loncar
Special Unit for Traffic
Traffic Police Station Ljubljana
E–mail: mladen.loncar@policija.si


Christoph Kaeser
Section Leader, MISTRA
Bundesamt fuer Strassen ASTRA
Muehlestr. 2
3063 Ittigen, Switzerland
Telephone: (011–41) 31–323–8862
Fax: (011–41) 31–323–2303
E–mail: christoph.kaeser@astra.admin.ch

Roland Aellen
Federal Roads Office FEDRO
Muehlestr. 2
3063 Ittigen, Switzerland
Telephone: (011–41) 31–323–4248
Fax: (011–41) 31–323–4321
E–mail: roland.aellen@astra.admin.ch

Lily D. Poulikakos
Senior Scientist
Ueberlandstr. 129
8600 Duebendorf, Switzerland
Telephone: (011–41) 1–823–5511
Fax: (011–41) 1–823–4479
E–mail: lily.poulikakos@empa.ch

Martin Arraigada
Ueberlandstr. 129
8600 Duebendorf, Switzerland
E–mail: martin.arraigada@empa.ch

Ewald Weber
Chef Verkehrsabteilung Zurich
Zeughausstr. 5
8004 Zurich, Switzerland
Telephone: (011–41) 1–247-3780
Fax: (011–41) 1–247–3782
E–mail: webe@kapo.zh.ch

Walter Baumgartner
Dienstchef Verkehrszug Wintherthur
Schaffhauserstr. 215
8400 Winterthur, Switzerland
Telephone: (011–41) 52-208–1700
Fax: (011–41) 52–208–1720
E–mail: bga@kapo.zh.ch


Martin Rickmann
Head of Communications
Toll Collect, GmbH
Linkstr. 4
10785 Berlin, Germany
Telephone: (011–49) 30-74077–2400
Fax: 30–74077–2221
E–mail: martin.rickmann@toll-collect.de

Harald Lindlar
Satellic Traffic Management GmbH
Linkstr. 4
10785 Berlin, Germany
Telephone: (011–49) 30–259–236–200
E–mail: harald.lindlar@satellic.com

Christian Silzer
Toll Collect, GmbH
Gerlachstr. 14
14480 Potsdam, Germany
Telephone: (011–49) 331–6009–699
Fax: 331–6009–697
E–mail: christian.silzer@toll-collect.de

Siegfried Klar
Toll Collect, GmbH
Linkstr. 4
10785 Berlin, Germany
Telephone: (011–49) 30–74077–7100
E–mail: siegfried.klar@toll-collect.de

Ralf Meschede
Highway Operation Section
Bruederstr. 53
51427 Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany
Telephone: (011–49) 2204–43–551
Fax: 2204–43–633
E–mail: mesched@bast.de


Hans van Saan
Road and Hydraulic Engineering Institute
Van der Burghweg 1, PO Box 5044
2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
Telephone: (011–31) 15–251–8345
Fax: (switchboard–8518)
E–mail: hans.van.saan@rws.nl

Hans van Loo
Road and Hydraulic Engineering Institute
Van der Burghweg 1, PO Box 5044
2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
Telephone: (011–31) 15–251–8328
Fax: (switchboard–8518)
E–mail: hans.van.loo@rwa.nl

Dr. P. Stienstra
Road and Hydraulic Engineering Institute
Van der Burghweg 1, PO Box 5044
2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
Telephone: (011–31) 15–251–8350
Fax: (011–31) 15–251–8555
E–mail: pieter.stienstra@rws.nl

Bert de Wit
Head, Construction and Maintenance
Road and Hydraulic Engineering Institute
Van der Burghweg 1, PO Box 5044
2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
Telephone: (011–31) 15–251–8326
Fax: (011–31) 15–251–8555
E–mail: bert.de.wit@rws.nl

Dr. J. M. T. Stam
Road and Hydraulic Engineering Institute
Van der Burghweg 1, PO Box 5044
2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
Telephone: (011–31) 15–251–8423
Fax: (011–31) 15–251–8555
E–mail: jean-marie.stam@rws.nl

C. P. A. Kees
Unit Manager
Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat
Nieuwe Uitleg 1, PO Box 10700
2501 HS Den Haag, The Netherlands
Telephone: (011–31) 70–456–2204
Fax: (011–33) 70–456–2776
E–mail: cees.hersbach@ivw.nl

Gerben Visser
Division Manager
Kalibra International, B.V.
PO Box 283
2600 AG Delft, The Netherlands
Telephone: (011–31) 15–278–0126
Fax: (011–31) 15–257–2728
E–mail: gvisser@kalibra.nl


Xavier Cocu
Belgian Road Research Centre
Blvd. de la Woluwe 42
1200 Brussels, Belgium
Telephone: (011–32) 10–23–6526
Fax: (011–32) 10–23–6505
E–mail: x.cocu@brrc.be

C. E. Davy Decock
Belgian Road Research Centre
Blvd. de la Woluwe 42
1200 Brussels, Belgium
Telephone: (011–32) 2–775–8249
Fax: (011–32) 2–772–3374
E–mail: d.decock@brrc.be

Charles Surmont
Principal Administrator, Road Safety
EU, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport
European Commission (DM28 01/08)
1049 Brussels, Belgium
Telephone: (011–32) 2–295–9837
Fax: (011–32) 2–296–5196
E–mail: charles.surmont@cec.eu.int

Eddy Greif
Chief Commisar-Operational Coordinator
Federal Politie (DGA/DAC/VPC)
Fritz Toussaintstraat 47
1050 Brussels, Belgium
Telephone: (011–32) 2–642–6531
Fax: (011–32) 2–642–6528
E–mail: eddy.greif.9581@police.be

Jo Goossens
Assistant Director
Traffic Inspection-Control
Ministry of the Flemish Community
Koning Albert II–laan 20 (bus 4)
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Telephone: (011–32) 2–553–7930
Fax: (011–32) 2–553–7925
E–mail: wegeninspectie@vlaanderen.be

Steve Phillips
Blvd. de la Woluwe 42
1200 Brussels, Belgium
Telephone: (011–32) 2–775–8238
Fax: (011–32) 2–775–8254
E–mail: SteveP@fehrl.org


Daniel Stanczyk
CETE de l'Est
1 Blvd. Solidarité
Metz Technopole–BP 85230
57076 Metz, France
Telephone: (011–33) 3–8720–4550
Fax: (011–33) 3–8720–4591
E–mail: daniel.stanczyk@equipement.gouv.fr

David Gil
Chief–Traffic Meteorology
CETE de l'Est
1 Blvd. Solidarité
Metz Technopole–BP 85230
57076 Metz, France
Telephone: (011–33) 3–8720–4536
Fax: (011–33) 3–8720–4591
E–mail: david.gil@equipement.gouv.fr

Roger Bour
Chief-Metrologie Exploitation
CETE de l'Est
1 Blvd. Solidarité
Metz Technopôle – BP 85230
57076 Metz, France
Telephone: (011–33) 3–8720–4516
Fax: (011–33) 3–8720–4591
E–mail: roger.bour@equipement.gouv.fr

Bernard Jacob
Chief Engineer, Bridges and Roads,
Technical Director for Road Operation and Safety
Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees (LCPC)
58 Blvd. Lefebvre, 75732
Paris cedex 15, France
Telephone: (011-33) 1–4043–5312
Fax: (011–33) 1–4043–6520
E–mail: bernard.jacob@lcpc.fr

Victor Dolcemascolo
Head, Road Operations and Equipment Unit
Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees (LCPC)
58 Blvd. Lefebvre, 75732
Paris cedex 15, France
Telephone: (011–33) 1–4043–5373
Fax: (011–33) 1–4043–5499
E–mail: victor.dolcemascolo@lcpc.fr

Charles Thiounn
Charge d'Etudes
Ministry of Equipment and Transport
Department of Ground Transport
Arche Sud
92055 La Defense cedex, France
Telephone: (011–33)1–4081–1611
Fax: (011–33) 1–4081–1066
E–mail: charles.thiounn@equipement.gouv.fr

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