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Chapter Nine - Recommendations and Implementation Plans

The team met several times during the scan to discuss observations and findings. Each member provided a list of recommendation ideas. Through group discussion, team members combined these ideas and distilled them into the following list of team recommendations. The team also discussed preliminary implementation ideas, and the team's final implementation strategy will be reflected in the scan technology implementation plan (STIP). In addition, many individual team members observed innovative processes and techniques of personal or professional interest to them, and those implementation ideas are captured in the additional recommendations section.


  1. Develop a model photo enforcement process/program to reduce red-light running and control speed at high-accident signalized intersections. Ken Kobetsky will serve as the team champion for this recommendation. Goals include developing best practices through which public support for photo enforcement can be enhanced (e.g., making signal timing fair to road users, making cameras readily identifiable, and ensuring that enforcement methods are not used simply to raise money). Implementation strategies include the following:
    • Obtain funds through the STIP program to develop a production report for deployment and implementation.

    • Communicate findings through transportation-related groups such as AASHTO, FHWA, and ITE.

    • Develop programs and strategies targeted toward safety organizations such as the AASHTO Standing Committee on Highway Traffic Safety, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, and Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety.

  2. Enhance dilemma-zone detection at high-speed, isolated, rural intersections using LHOVRA, MOVA, OSCADY, and other identified strategies. Rudy Umbs will serve as the team champion for this recommendation. Implementation strategies include the following:
    • Collect site-specific information at high-accident locations.

    • Solicit team members for candidate intersections within their jurisdictions.

    • Coordinate with the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NCUTCD) and the AASHTO Subcommittee on Traffic Engineering and Standing Committee on Highway Traffic Safety.

    • Identify candidate locations within five months.

    • Obtain full or partial funding through the STIP program.

    • Bring European experts to the United States to assist in designing, implementing, and testing new technology.

  3. Develop a series of pilot projects to control speed through intersections using a combination of practices observed in Europe. Techniques include geometrics (lane width and speed tables), pavement markings, automated photo enforcement, and adjustable message signs. Rick Collins will serve as the team champion for this recommendation. Implementation strategies include the following:
    • Compile best-practice information from Sweden and the Netherlands to develop a best-practices guide.

    • Collect site-specific information at high-accident locations. Identify candidate locations for test implementation.

    • Collect site-specific information at high-accident locations.Bring European experts to the United States to assist in designing and implementing speed-reduction strategies.

    • Collect site-specific information at high-accident locations.

    • Work with FHWA to fund a synthesis project to develop a best-practice plan and identify demonstration projects.

  4. Promote roundabouts as alternatives to signalized intersections as a way to manage the consequences of collisions (severity versus frequency). Phil Clark will serve as the team champion for this recommendation. Implementation strategies include the following:
    • Work with European experts to develop guidelines for converting signals to roundabouts in the United States.

    • Develop seminars and training courses, including operational and geometric computer simulation (similar to ARCADY) instruction for highway designers.

    • Develop a process and tools, including operational and geometric computer simulation packages, to assist designers and highway agencies in conveying the advantages to the public.

  5. Develop guidelines and identify pilot projects to enhance pedestrian safety at signalized intersections in the United States. Guidelines will focus on applying strategies such as PUFFIN and TOUCAN crossings, countdown indicators, and audible pedestrian signals. Nazir Lalani will serve as the team champion for this recommendation. Implementation strategies include the following:
    • Coordinate with the NCHRP pedestrian signal project.

    • Develop a toolbox to identify best practices.

    • Work with the AASHTO task force to incorporate some of the geometric design applications observed during the visit.

    • Coordinate with user groups such as the American Disability Association.

    • Coordinate with NCUTCD.

    • Identify feasible locations to pilot test various strategies.


In addition to the primary team recommendations, several team members have identified practices or programs that relate to their specific areas of expertise. The following is a summary of individual recommendations:

Table 2. Additional Recommendations

Category Recommendations Implementation Strategy Team Contact
Signing/marking Introduce wider pavement markings in the United States. Introduce these concepts as optional in the markings chapter of the FHWA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Steve Van Winkle,
Adopt traffic signal operational policies restricting left turns to protected-only operation on high-speed (45 mph or higher) roads. Draft proposed text for amendment to MUTCD and submit to NCUTCD for consideration. Present rationale and encourage adoption of such policies by committees of TRB and ITE. Robert Seyfried,
  Test modification of the LHOVRA concept using extension of red clearance interval to accommodate vehicles in the dilemma zone at the expiration of the green interval because of a max out. Determine whether available hardware and software can provide the desired logic and operation. Identify two test locations for pilot implementation.Report findings at TRB and/or ITE meetings. Robert Seyfried,
  Require a standard yellow interval for all U.S. traffic signals. Additional clearance time needed would be accommodated in   Steve Van Winkle,
Pedestrians/bicycles Use countdown indicators to provide feedback to pedestrians and bicyclists. Investigate the operation of Dutch signal installations. Pilot test operation at two locations and identify changes in pedestrian and bicyclist behavior and degree of understanding. Draft text for proposed amendments to MUTCD. Report findings to TRB/ITE. Robert Seyfried, rseyfried@northwestern.edu
  Test a modified PUFFIN pedestrian signal in the United States.   Steve Van Winkle,
Other Incorporate promising strategies into the implementation guides for the AASHTO/ NCHRP Strategic Highway Safety Plan. Incorporate promising strategies into the implementation guides for the AASHTO/ NCHRP Strategic Highway Safety Plan. Kevin Slack,
Page last modified on November 7, 2014
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